• Points of screws shall be tapered and fluted or slotted as illustrated above for the respective types. The flute on Type T screws shall have an included angle of 90º to 95º and the thread cutting edge located above the axis of screw. Tapered threads shall have unfinished crests, and the flutes or slots shall extend through the first full thread beyond taper except for Type F screws on which tapered threads may be complete at manufacturer's option and flutes may be one pitch short of the first
  • more
Unit of Measure



Industrial Fasteners Institute



Tapping Screws

Unit of Measure


Nominal Size or Basic Screw Dia.

1/2 in

Nominal Size or Basic Screw Dia. (Decimal)

0.5000 in

Max. Major Dia. (D)

0.5 in

Min. Major Dia. (D)

0.4876 in

Ref. Point Dia. (P)

0.423 in

Max. Point Taper Length For Short Screws (S)

0.269 in

Min. Point Taper Length For Short Screws (S)

0.192 in

Max. Point Taper Length For Long Screws (S)

0.346 in

Min. Point Taper Length For Long Screws (S)

0.269 in

Determinant Lengths for Point Taper 90º Heads (L)

5/8 in

Determinant Lengths for Point Taper Csk Heads (L)

25/32 in

Min. Practical Nominal Screw Lengths for 90º Heads (L)

19/32 in

Min. Practical Nominal Screw Lengths for Csk Heads (L)

3/4 in

Codes and Standards

Codes and Standards

ASME B18.6.4 1998

Threads Per Inch

Threads Per Inch

Use trailing wildcard (*) for broader results.